Civet cats, or luwaks, who are force-fed coffee beans to produce the most expensive coffee in the world.
The trend for pre-digested coffee beans has also proliferated, with beans that have passed through the stomachs of Thai elephants, Brazilian jacu birds, and Bonobo monkeys all up for sale. [Yes, feces...]
ACTION: TripAdvisor sells tickets for tourists to gawk at and take selfies with these poor animals and drink luwak coffee, fueling a brutal and unnecessary trade. It’s time to stop the cruelty.
SIGN THIS PETITION: Tell TripAdvisor to stop selling tickets to luwak coffee tours.
Caged Civet Cat
An LFT investigator visited multiple luwak coffee venues in Bali, Indonesia, and documented the horrifying conditions of captive civet cats, such as:
TripAdvisor sells tickets for tourists to gawk at and take selfies with
these poor animals and drink luwak coffee, fueling a brutal and unnecessary
trade. It’s time to stop the cruelty.
Many sellers claim their coffee is produced by “free-range” or wild civets,
but to harvest actual free-range luwak coffee would take enormous effort to
wade through poop in the forest. Instead, animals are trapped in terrifying
box traps, snared or pursued by hunting dogs.
Luwak coffee is sold in coffee shops and online for up to $80 a cup or up to
$600 per 1-pound bag.
Recently, TripAdvisor ended ticket sales to SeaWorld due to cruel treatment
of whales and dolphins; in 2016, they stopped selling experiences where
humans touch captive wild animals, such as elephant rides. Yet despite their
stated commitment to animal welfare, the travel giant continues to
perpetuate cruelty to civet cats with dozens of luwak coffee tours bookable
directly on their website.
Help us tell TripAdvisor to take a stand and stop selling tickets for animal