Read more at Say NO to Fireworks - It's the Humane Thing to Do
In this age of technology, surely we can create celebratory displays that are thrilling and joyful without endangering our ears, our dogs and cats, and our wild neighbors.
As factual information about the interaction between animals and
fireworks is very hard to locate, it is clear from our research that
using fireworks near animals is both cruel and inhumane.
Firework displays and celebrations bring confusion, anxiety and fear
into the lives of animals, causing many to run away from their homes
in an effort to escape the frightening detonations.
Fireworks are not animal-friendly. Invariably, when communities
celebrate with fireworks, local shelters and other animal aid
organizations are overwhelmed by the "fallout," which manifests in
an increased number of stray animals and reports of injuries and
trauma to animals. Those animals who are reunited with their
families must consider themselves fortunate. Many injured or
terrorized animals run away from their homes to escape the
traumatizing detonations of fireworks. Some are hit by cars and
injured or killed, some are maimed for life, while others are never
recovered alive.
Firework explosions can produce a blind panic in animals that can
lead to serious injury, deep-rooted, debilitating fears, or even
death. This is, in part, because the events do not last long enough
for animals to become accustomed to the explosions.
Moreover, the ears of most animals are considerably more sensitive
than the human ear. Therefore, the explosion of a firework (which
can emit sounds of up to 190 decibels, a full 110 to 115 decibels
higher than the 75- to 80-decibel range, where damage to the human
ear begins) not only is proportionately more disturbing to an
animal, it can also affect an animal's acute sense of hearing. And
animals who are too close to firework explosions often suffer
significant burns and eye damage. Fireworks generate a noise level
higher than the noise from gunshots (140 decibels) and low-level
flying jets (100 decibels). Irreversible ear damage, such as
tinnitus and loss of hearing in humans starts at the 80-decibel
Startling, extremely loud sounds must have a detrimental effect on
wildlife as well. In 1996, research demonstrated that hatchling and
juvenile black ducks at a site of overflights in Piney Island, N.C.,
grew slower and had less body weight than black ducks living in
low-noise areas. A study to examine the impact of sound from loud
gunshots on snow geese found that the birds reduced their feeding
time. The energy loss created could be only partially compensated
for by feeding at night, resulting in less time resting and
sleeping. Over time, these sorts of behaviors no doubt reduce
survival rates.
Dr. David Noakes, a zoologist at the University of Guelph, Ontario,
points out that the combined responses to fireworks of panic and
disorientation can result in birds' flying into a building or too
far out to sea. Researchers at Acadia University, Nova Scotia, found
that colonial species of birds who nest in high densities, such as
the herring gull, are most at risk during a round of firecracker
explosions. After a loud bang, most birds fly away in fright, and
the nesting mothers of the flock sometimes cannot find their own
nest upon return, endangering the well-being of nestlings.
Fireworks produce light, noise and air pollution. The explosion of
fireworks also releases poisonous chemicals and particle-laden
smoke, contaminating our natural environment. As a consequence,
fireworks pose a hazard to wildlife living in or near areas where
firework displays occur, as well as wildlife downwind. And these
chemicals are also hazardous to companion animals living in the area
where they are detonated. And we can not forget humans with asthma
and other health problems.
Fireworks can affect farm animals, too. Dr. Ian Duncan, a University
of Guelph ethologist, has demonstrated that laying hens show
extremely low egg production the day after fireworks and the eggs
are often malformed as well.
Dogs, cats, and other companion animals don't understand that the
terrifying loud bangs are a celebration. One can only imagine what
they think, given how much more sensitive their hearing is than
ours. Humane societies across North America report that after
firework displays they are swamped with calls about lost dogs and
cats. Dogs are brought to shelters with paws bloody from running or
torn skin from tearing through a backyard wooden fence or, worse,
crippled from being hit by a car.
The need to protect both companion animals and nondomesticated
animals from fireworks harm is exemplified in the numerous stories
of animal suffering that we are left with after the smoke has
cleared. For example, dogs have responded to firework explosions by
breaking through windows and screens, often running miles away from
their homes, only to end up exhausted, bloody and confused or dead
on the road. A bull trying to escape his pen in response to a
fireworks display died after becoming impaled. The city of
Carrollton, Texas, decided to cancel its 1999 July Fourth fireworks
celebration after a fireworks test indicated that the lights and
sounds disturbed egrets at a nearby rookery. And guide dogs are
sometimes left so terrorized by the explosions that they suffer
severe emotional distress and are unable to assist their companions.
Consequently, it is not surprising that firework events generate an
increase in the number of stray animals, as well as an increase in
reports of injuries and trauma to animals.
For animals, fireworks are no cause for celebration. However,
fireworks remain a holiday fixture in most communities around the
world, despite the increased acceptance of alternatives such as
laser light shows and neighborhood festivals.
Fireworks can create joy and excitement, but restrictions must be
put into place. These safety tips should be followed to protect
animals from fireworks:
In this age of technology, surely we can
create celebratory displays that are thrilling and joyful without
endangering our ears, our dogs and cats, and our wild neighbors.
There is an evident need to protect both companion animals and wild
animals from fireworks harm, and this need is growing with each
passing year.