This poor animal suffered a fracture and was operated on prior to ever being entered in a race; was then put to the whip 31 times on a screwed-together leg; was killed when his other leg snapped.
The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission has confirmed that
Alittlevodka, a “went wrong, vanned off” in the 3rd at Churchill May
31, is dead. From the official report:
“Gelding was racing in the pack and suddenly pulled up near the
7/16’s pole with an injury to his left front limb. The KHRC
veterinarian summoned the equine ambulance and administered a
sedative/analgesic to assist loading onto the ambulance and minimize
further injury. He was ambulanced off the track and after consulting
with the private veterinarian the decision was made to euthanize the
gelding due to the extent of his injuries and a poor prognosis.”
Necropsy findings:
“Left forelimb: biaxial sesamoid fractures, comminuted. Right
forelimb: There is a single lag screw fracture repair of the first
phalanx. On interview with the trainer it was noted that the lag
screw in the RF P1 was placed before the horse began racing.”
So: This poor animal suffered a fracture and was operated on prior
to ever being entered in a race; was then put to the whip 31 times
on a screwed-together leg; was killed when his other leg snapped.
This industry’s wickedness knows no bounds.