End Cruel and Unnecessary Trapping on Public Lands
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org

September 2020

Each year, millions of animals who call these public lands home languish in cruel traps for hours, and even days, before they are brutally killed.

ban traps

Sign our petition calling on the U.S. Department of the Interior to end trapping in the National Wildlife Refuge System!

AND Visit TrapFreeTrails Campaign page for more actions to take

There is no place for cruel and unnecessary traps – snares, Conibear traps, or steel-jaw leghold traps – on public lands, which include national parks, national preserves, and national wildlife refuges. Instead of areas of safety, these sacred places have been transformed into killing fields. Each year, millions of animals who call these public lands home languish in cruel traps for hours, and even days, before they are brutally killed. Even iconic North American species such as bald eagles, black bears, grey wolves, bobcats, and other sensitive species have been found in leghold traps and snares. The U.S. Department of the Interior and the corresponding agencies should immediately and publicly announce their support for ending cruel and unnecessary trapping on public lands.


Each year, millions of people visit the National Wildlife Refuge System, often with their furry companions. Many people do not know that trapping is permitted on 216 (38%) of national wildlife refuges, making these protected lands very dangerous. Traps are cruel and indiscriminate. In addition to killing and injuring millions of targeted wild animals, traps also pose a serious danger to companion animals and even to humans.

Today, Born Free USA is launching a new campaign, #TrapFreeTrails, to raise awareness of the danger of trapping on public lands and call for an end to trapping on national wildlife refuges.

Help spread the word about the danger of trapping on national wildlife refuges by sharing our infographic!

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