While advertisements for dog food may tout something along the lines of “Feed the wolf in your dog” or “Dogs evolved, but their instincts remain,” these sorts of comparisons can be fraught with error when it comes to actual feeding advice.
Can My Dog Do Okay on Vegan 'People Food'? Yes, he can—and many experts agree.
I receive numerous emails from people concerning meal plans for
their canine companions. They often ask if there are any general "rules of
thumb": Do dogs really need to be fed as if they're wolves? What about
so-called "people food"? How about vegetarian or vegan diets? A few days
ago, I received an email from Dottie asking, "Can my dog do okay on vegan
'people food'?" Dottie's dog is named Marcel, and she told me that while
he's "doing great on a healthy and balanced diet of vegan people food, and
her vet agrees," some people criticize her for not paying attention to the
fact that Marcel is really a carnivore who has descended from wolves and
needs meat. In fact, dogs are more omnivores than carnivores, according to a
veterinarian and nutritionist.
I decided to write this essay because Dottie's question contains two of the
most common questions that come my way—namely, can dogs thrive on vegan
diets or other meal plans that contain a lot of "people food." In a previous
essay titled "Should I Really Be Feeding 'The Wolf' in My Dog?" I answered a
woman's question by writing, "When it comes to diet, treating dogs like
wolves doesn’t make biological or nutritional sense." The woman who sent it
was confused because of all of the "glitzy advertisements and hype" about
the "best" meal plan for dogs. I fully understood her dilemma, so I began my
answer to her simply by noting that dogs are not wolves and I was not a fan
of feeding "the wolf in a dog." While it's true that a domesticated wolf
(but not a socialized wolf) is a dog, there are many differences between
wolves and dogs including their meal plans and dietary needs.
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