The United States government actually acknowledges that it is standard procedure and extremely painful for them...
When they say that the animals don’t suffer, tell them about de-beaking, a standard procedure explicitly sanctioned by the US government. Chickens used for eggs and meat often get upset in their confined conditions, and peck each other violently, and even cannibalize each other, which is why they are de-beaked. DE-BEAKING is a PAINFUL MUTILATION that prevents them from eating normally and from preening their feathers.
Their beaks are literally seared off, causing misery for their entire lives. De-beaking is STANDARD PROCEDURE in the animal agriculture industry because the eggs and “meat” are the priorities, not the well-being of the chickens.
De-beaking is extremely painful for chickens, and the United States government actually acknowledges that it is standard procedure and extremely painful for them.
Check out the documentation here: "Current Developments in Beak-Trimming" on a section titled Laying Hen Welfare Fact Sheet...
These horrors are known as "standard agricultural practices."