A One Million Acre Win for Sage Grouse and Citizens
Litigation - Article Series from All-Creatures.org Articles Archive

FROM Center for Biological Diversity
March 2020

This is an enormous victory for greater sage grouse and hundreds of other animals and plants and a major blow to the Trump administration's corrupt efforts to serve corporate polluters.

Sage Grouse
Sage Grouse

A federal court ruled against Trump's Bureau of Land Management this week in a lawsuit brought by the Center and allies.

The judge confirmed that the agency's recent move to exclude the public from oil and gas leasing decisions on public lands was illegal. He voided leases on nearly 1 million acres of greater sage-grouse habitat in Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.

That's almost one-quarter of all public lands leased by Trump for oil and gas in the lower 48.

"This is an enormous victory for greater sage grouse and hundreds of other animals and plants," said the Center's Taylor McKinnon. "And a major blow to the Trump administration's corrupt efforts to serve corporate polluters."

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