ACLU, GFI, and Animal Legal Defense Fund Lawsuit Defending Tofurky’s First Amendment Rights Comes Amid Multi-State Censorship Efforts... Competition from plant-based and cell-based options is one of the “major challenges” the animal meat industry faces.
The American Civil Liberties Union, The Good Food Institute, Animal Legal
Defense Fund, and ACLU of Arkansas today filed a lawsuit challenging an
Arkansas law that would impose fines of up to $1,000 for every plant-based
and cell-based meat product, such as “veggie burgers” and “tofu dogs,”
marketed or packaged with a “meat” label. The labels would be subject to
fines within state borders even if followed by modifiers such as “vegan,”
“veggie,” or “plant-based.” Under the law, which is set to go in effect this
week, products labeled as “cauliflower rice” (but not “riced cauliflower”)
and “almond milk” would also be considered mislabeled and subject to fines
for not containing any actual rice or dairy.
“More and more, consumers are seeking out plant-based foods that can be
produced without cruelty to animals or polluting our environment,” says
Animal Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Stephen Wells. “But Arkansas’
lawmakers, kowtowing to the animal agriculture industry, have responded by
enacting an unconstitutional law that makes truthful speech a crime.”
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Tofurky in federal court. It argues the
Arkansas law violates the First Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment’s due
process clause by improperly censoring truthful speech and creating consumer
confusion in order to shore up the state’s meat and rice industries. The
lawsuit adds that there is no evidence that the current labels mislead
consumers, pointing out that Tofurky’s products all clearly indicate the
products are plant-based, meatless, vegetarian, or vegan. The law’s
proponents have admitted that the law’s purpose is to protect the
agricultural producers in the state.
“The only confusion here seems to be on the part of the Arkansas
legislature, which seems to have forgotten its responsibility to its
constituents in its rush to pass an unconstitutional law at the behest of
its special interest donors,” said Jaime Athos, CEO of Tofurky. “When
consumers choose plant-based foods, it is not because they are confused or
misled, it is because they are savvy and educated about the health and
environmental consequences of eating animal products. What’s really going on
here is that the state of Arkansas is seeking to limit access to healthier,
more sustainable food choices for its constituents, and it is doing so to
benefit the animal agriculture industry.”
The Arkansas law is substantially similar to meat-labeling censorship laws
recently passed in Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota, and other
states. A number of those laws face similar legal challenges, including by
the ACLU, Good Food Institute, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund. The
Missouri law, for instance, was initially proposed by the Missouri
Cattlemen’s Association. When discussing the perceived need for the Missouri
law, state representative Jeff Knight publicly admitted that: “We’re just
trying to protect our product.” Animal agriculture industry representatives
previously warned producers that competition from plant-based and cell-based
options is one of the “major challenges” the animal meat industry faces in
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