This agribusiness article represents an industry perspective on the 2019 Animal Rights Conference.
Karen Davis and Hope Bohanec's session: Abuse of Land Animals for Food
On July 30, the following article appeared on Meatingplace Blogs. Two United Poultry Concerns presentations – by Karen Davis and Hope Bohanec – at this year’s conference July 25-28, are cited in the article: “Liberating the Language of Farmed Animal Abuse” and “Abuse of Land Animals for Food.”
This agribusiness article represents an industry perspective on the Animal Rights Conference:
"Animal Rights National Conference pushing for a vegan world by 2026"
Animal Ag Watch By Hannah Thompson-Weeman – Vice President of communications for the Animal Agriculture Alliance
The 2019 Animal Rights National Conference just wrapped up here in the DC
area. As usual, this year’s conference was very focused on animal
agriculture. It seems as though the activist movement’s focus on the
environment will continue, with a common refrain throughout the conference
being that a vegan world by 2026 is the only way to save the planet and the
human race.
The conference is organized by the Farm Animal Rights Movement and supported
by groups like Animal Equality, Compassion Over Killing, The Humane League
and Mercy for Animals. Session titles included “Driving Institutional and
Corporate Change,” “Liberating the Language of Farmed Animal Abuse,” “Abuse
of Land Animals for Food,” and “Using Food Technology to End Meat
Other key insights included:
Widespread agreement among activists that science is not about hard facts or numbers, but more about how numbers can be manipulated to support their cause, and in some extreme cases, “science” was just made-up facts and figures based on beliefs and nothing more.
A lot of concern about the political power of the meat, dairy and egg industry. Speakers made fun of “ag-gag laws” as well as the proposed labeling laws for plant-based meat and dairy, saying that those laws just proved that “the meat and dairy industry know that they’re on the losing side.”
The animal rights movement as a whole is confident that the vast majority of people can be converted to veganism because they believe public compassion for dogs, cats and other pets can and should be applied to all animals.
Speakers compared the animal rights movement to other social justice campaigns that have existed (in terms of nobility and struggles), and say they can learn from each previous one. There was a lot of focus on strengthening “the movement” as a whole.
Many people stressed the importance of media in spreading their message: social media, photos, video campaigns, “undercover investigations,” etc.
The Alliance will once again have a full report available soon for our
The Alliance issues reports from conferences like this because we believe it
is critical for the meat industry (and animal agriculture) to keep an eye on
the groups and individuals who are feverishly working to end our industry.
Stay tuned for further details from the conference, but one message is
clear: activists are more motivated than ever to take extreme actions
against animal agriculture, and we should all be prepared for them to up the
Link to story (Meating Place membership required to view this link).
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids