We Saved 16 Dogs from Imminent Death at this Cambodian Slaughterhouse, and Closed it Down for Good
A Meat and Dairy Industries Article from All-Creatures.org

FROM Four Paws
March 2021

When our team arrived on-site, they were able to make out 16 exhausted dogs in tiny rusty cages, sitting next to the drowning pits.

Dog Albus
Albus - rescued from slaughterhouse

May we introduce you to a new friend of us? This is little Albus. The sweet brindle puppy is no more than four months old.

Albus is one of the 16 dogs we rescued from the Cambodian slaughterhouse in Skun. You read right, we finally did it, thanks to the support of kind people like you: We closed the slaughterhouse down. No dog will ever be harmed here again.

Many of the dogs rescued are desperately ill and require intensive care. Most of all they need a lot of love to recover from the horrors they had to endure. But they still need your help. Will you support their start into a new life? Will you help to show them that not all humans are bad?

Weak and exhausted, but alive

When our team arrived on-site, they were able to make out 16 exhausted dogs in tiny rusty cages, sitting next to the drowning pits. Some dogs were lying on top of each other, cowering in fear. Like Albus, most of them were only puppies.

The dogs appeared severely dehydrated and weak, some barely able to wag their tails. The slaughterhouse owner had thrown some water on top of them and they were eagerly licking it off each other's fur to quench their thirst.

But Albus still has hope

Albus has made the most traumatic experiences with humans one can only think of. It all the more amazed us that he instantly trusted us. He was so happy to see us, his tail was wagging like a helicopter. He was so friendly, desperate for attention crying and licking anyone's hand who came close.

Albus still has hope in us humans. Will you show him that he is right? Will you support his recovery?

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