I spend my day waging battles for other moms out there - the ones like me that feel they should have a right to give their kid what they feel is healthiest for them.
I was wrestling with my son this morning, trying to get him to wear his dino sneakers because his pink ones are getting so worn out. He wears them EVERY DAY. Then it was which water bottle to bring to school and what jacket to put on before climbing into his car seat. I welcome these little inconvenient battles where my son is asserting who he is and learning his place in the world.
Other battles aren’t so welcome. When I drop him off at school, I have to
wage a battle about why I choose to provide him with soy milk and not cow’s
milk. As a mother, I want what’s best for him. I want something that was
created for his consumption. I’m not comfortable with him ingesting
something that feels stolen from another little one, whose mother made it
for her baby. Needing to provide a doctor’s note, explaining that my son
won’t be taking the cow’s milk (and the myriad of hormones that come with
it) at school is preposterous. That’s why after I drive home from dropping
him off, I spend my day waging battles for other moms out there. The ones
like me that feel they should have a right to give their kid what they feel
is healthiest for them and the voiceless mothers whose milk was stolen from
their babies to feed ours. I need your help in that fight.
Join Me In A Donation To Switch4Good
At Switch4Good, we’re working tirelessly to spread the message that not only
do alternatives exist, but they are kinder, healthier and more beneficial to
the planet than cow’s milk. And don’t get me started on the food justice
issues surrounding dairy. I want all kids in school to have this choice and
not be force fed the governmentally subsidized option that they’re led to
believe is what’s best for them by constant dairy industry advertising.
This is an issue that is too urgent to wait.
I’m impatient by nature, which hasn’t always served me. I’ve stirred many
pots at family gatherings, at friendly game nights and at neighborhood parks
directed at unsuspecting parents. But I’m damn grateful for my impatience
here at Switch4Good. Because our kids’ health isn’t something we should EVER
be passive about. If there’s one thing we are tasked with as moms and dads,
it’s feeding our children (and making sure they don’t crack their heads open
while playing...so two things).
Please join me in waging these battles for all our children. My fabulously
passionate and impatient team is working hard to make meaningful change. But
that work doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Your generosity is the ONLY way to
make these victories possible. On behalf of my child and yours, thank you
for making a difference.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids