When an animal product is purchased, three prices have to be paid: one by the consumer, one by the taxpayer and one by nature. Cheap meat is made possible by polluting the environment.
Meat consumption leads to “dead zones”
Around the mouths of the Mississippi, some 20,000 square kilometers of the
sea have so little oxygen that a “dead zone” has formed. The cause of this
marine desolation lies in the over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin,
where almost all the United States feed production and industrial farms are
concentrated. Nitrogen and phosphorus are washed down the river into the
Gulf. There these nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, aquatic plants
and bacteria, which use up the oxygen dissolved in the sea water.
Over fertilization damages ecosystems worldwide
In Asia, pig and poultry farms in coastal China, Vietnam and Thailand
pollute the South China Sea with nitrogen. The northern part of the Caspian
Sea is loaded with nitrogen that comes down the Volga. Many of the seas
surrounding Europe are affected: the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Irish
Sea, the Spanish Coast and the Adriatic all have dead zones. The problems
are caused not only by potassium, drug residues, disease causing organisms
and heavy metals.
Nitrates in groundwater can cause cancer
It is not just the seas: industrialized livestock production harms the land
too. Slurry and maure from livestock-producing areas are applied, often
indiscriminately, to the soil.
Toxins from manure and fertiliser pouring into waterways in and around
the Gulf of Mexico are causing harmful algal blooms, leading to widespread
‘dead zones’. - Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP / The Guardian
They can pose an even greater threat than the overuse of mineral fertilizer, especially on well drained soils. Nitrates are washed down into the groundwater, which can lead to contamination of our drinking water and damage our health.
In our bodies they can be converted into nitrosamines, which are suspected to cause cancer of the oesophagus and stomach.
Content on this page is from Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Meat Atlas - Facts & Figures about the meat we eat — 2014 - DOWNLOAD HERE AS A PDF to read the entire publication.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids