Given the accelerating climate catastrophe with the terrifying extreme weather events in every paper and news bulletin, the numbers make me seriously doubt the number of humans taking our mortal peril as a species seriously.
Despite the euphoria caused by the proliferation of plant based dietary
options in shops and restaurants, the statistics don’t bear out the wishful
thinking about veganism taking over the world any time soon. In fact, given
the accelerating climate catastrophe with the terrifying extreme weather
events in every paper and news bulletin, the numbers make me seriously doubt
the number of humans taking our mortal peril as a species seriously.
In the most recent statistics, the total number of land-based individuals
whose lives are hacked from their terrified throats in slaughterhouses
across the globe has leapt from 74.9 billion to 77 billion – an increase of
almost 2.2 billion in a single year. Even allowing for a 0.1 billion
increase in the global human population (7.7 – 7.8 billion), this is a
disaster for our victims and ought to be a sobering bucket of cold water for
every company and organisation sounding fanfares of ‘victory’ and raising
funds on the back of imaginary reductions in slaughter numbers.
Meanwhile, whatever the feel-good publicity says, our species is creating
more victims than ever. Examining the statistics, one stark fact is
unavoidable. The entire obscene increase is being borne by chickens. At 66.5
billion the previous year, now almost 69 billion of these defenceless
creatures are facing the desperate existence we inflict on them for our
dietary indulgence and a death that we can’t even bear to contemplate. Add
in other birds such as ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl etc and the number
is 73.2 billion.
I appreciate spreadsheets may not appeal to many and I intend to write
further on this topic but I’m including the raw figures from FAOSTAT here
for any who are interested.
The immediate message, however, is crystal clear. We have to stop this.
Really stop it. Not just talk about it, not allow ourselves to be lulled
into a sense of false optimism by wishful thinkers and those who want our
cash because they keep trumpeting about ‘victories’. The statistics don’t
The only true victory for our defenceless victims, is a new vegan. We must
take responsibility as individuals and knuckle down to what needs to be done
for the sake of our victims and the planet we share with them. If we’re
already vegan, we need to work harder, advocate harder, be more creative but
above all, be honest. It’s urgent.
Be vegan.
*NB The numbers above, which average at 2,443 individuals per second(!), do not include numerous other groups including:
And that list is attributable mainly to the market for consumption. Numbers skyrocket once we add in those whom we victimise for other reasons, such as:
As noted above, all statistics are derived from FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids