Thus far, between 2018 and 2020, seven endangered wolves have been “removed” (lethally or to captivity) by the Fish and Wildlife Service to accommodate this one ranch, including two who were caught in private traps and died in captivity from their injuries and stress.
Gray wolf. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair
Let’s start with some facts:
These facts provide some important context for a situation happening
right now near Reserve, N.M. on the Gila National Forest. One
rancher – who shall remain nameless – is experiencing significant
levels of wolf predation grazing their livestock on public lands.
This rancher is requesting that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
remove the culpable wolf or wolves and raising a stink online about
their losses, generating a whole lot of sympathy for their
heavily-subsidized livestock operation, and gaining some support
from regional elected officials.
But here’s the thing. For reasons that aren’t quite clear, this
particular rancher repeatedly places bred cattle onto the same
public lands pastures, year after year, in full knowledge that
calves dropping in December, January, and February are
disproportionately likely to die of natural causes, and are
irresistible to wolves. The ranch has been losing cows and calves
every winter, yet nothing has changed with the livestock management
regime to avoid this conflict. The ranch, in turn, demands that
wolves be removed each year.
Thus far, between 2018 and 2020, seven endangered wolves have been
“removed” (lethally or to captivity) by the Fish and Wildlife
Service to accommodate this one ranch, including two who were caught
in private traps and died in captivity from their injuries and
stress. At least six additional wolves have also been caught in
private traps on the allotment and released. An entire pack of
wolves has been removed from the area, and yet the problems persist.
Now, the ranch is pushing for wolf removal number eight. It’s a
black hole for wolves.
It’s also a black hole for taxpayer dollars. This particular ranch
has received tens of thousands of dollars in federal money over the
last few years to compensate for the livestock losses, paid from a
variety of programs that require varying levels of proof of wolves’
involvement in the cattle deaths, not to mention the ridiculously
low federal grazing fee that underpins the whole operation.
Which raises the questions: If this rancher really wanted to prevent
livestock deaths, why do they repeatedly use the same high-elevation
winter pastures for calving in the dead of winter, leaving
vulnerable calves and birthing mother cows at risk? If the Gila
National Forest is truly a partner in Mexican wolf recovery, why
does the agency allow problematic management year after year? And
why, if we’re paying for the dead livestock anyway, do we – the
American public – also have to pay with the priceless lives of rare
Mexican wolves by removing them from wild lands through death or
Wolves are apex predators who depend on public lands’ habitat. It’s
the ranchers who need to change their management to reflect
responsible stewardship of wildlife habitat on public lands grazing
allotments, and it’s the Forest Service who needs to ensure that
this occurs. The public wants wolves to be restored to their natural
range in New Mexico, and the Forest Service must require that
multiple uses of the forest don’t impede the recovery mandate of the
Endangered Species Act.
Which leaves us with this final fact: One definition of insanity is
doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Stop the insanity. Leave the wolves wild and demand more of the
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