My life is so much richer now
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.

FROM James Aspey
August 2019

My life is so much richer now that I've widened my circle of compassion to embrace all animals and going vegan is one of the best things I've ever done.

James Aspey

It wasn't long ago that I didn't care about animals at all! It doesn't get more obvious than this picture. I'm holding a monkey, a broken-hearted slave, chained by the neck, clearly miserable and depressed.

Look at my face. I didn't care. I didn't even notice! I was too busy enjoying the novelty of holding a monkey.

I was blind to their plight. So many people still live like this. I wasn't a cruel person, but my actions were unknowingly cruel.

It wasn't until I stopped eating meat as a 7 day experiment that I started to feel more for animals. Perhaps, this quote holds some merit, "The consumption of animal products extinguishes the seed of great compassion."

This took me on a journey to realising that animals are individuals with thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires, just like us. I no longer wanted to be the reason for their suffering or their slaughter.

James Aspey

When I learned that dairy, eggs and other animal products are equally cruel and unnecessary as meat, I couldn't justify consuming those either, so I went vegan.

My life is so much richer now that I've widened my circle of compassion to embrace all animals and going vegan is one of the best things I've ever done.
I wish everyone would go vegan. There would be so much less cruelty, violence and suffering in this world and I believe it would make a huge positive difference to the mentality of our own species as well.
I encourage you to learn more about it and give a try. Watch the documentaries Earthlings, Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives for the ethical, environmental and health reasons to go vegan. Look up vegan recipes. There are millions of them!

The world needs to change. To make that happen, we need to change. If we want peace, the first step is to stop the violence. That's what being vegan is all about.

Anyone can change. I am proof of that! If I can do it, I know you can do it too! 

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