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Action Alerts
Urge Halifax County Virginia to consider humane coyote control

November 30, 2011


Halifax County, Virginia, is considering killing coyotes with poison and cruel traps. Poisoning animals is incredibly cruel. Convulsions, vomiting, internal bleeding, and gradual cardiac collapse lead to slow, agonizing deaths! Steel-jaw traps and snares also cause extreme suffering: Victims often endure painful injuries, and some will even chew off their own limbs in frantic attempts to escape. And when nursing mothers are killed, their babies starve to death. Also, these methods are indiscriminate, posing risks to “nontarget” animals as well, including companion animals and protected wildlife!

Please politely urge Halifax County officials to toss cruel coyote-control measures, and instead employ humane deterrent methods such as employing vegetation management and encouraging residents to securely contain trash, to stop feeding wildlife, and to never leave pets or their food unattended outdoors.. And please forward this alert widely! Remind officials that coyotes are loyal, sensitive animals who are merely trying to forage for their families in areas where humans have encroached.


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The Honorable Thomas E. West
Halifax County Board of Supervisors
[email protected]
Please also e-mail the Board of Supervisors using these addresses (copy and paste them into the “To” field):
[email protected]
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To Honorable West and Board of Supervisors,

I was shocked to learn that Halifax County is considering cruel coyote control using traps and poison, both brutal, excruciating, and unnecessary. Coyotes are complex beings, sensitive and loyal and merely foraging for their families to prevent starvation. Traps cause painful injuries, attempted dismemberment, and trauma while poison causes agony, prolonged suffering, and agonizing deaths of convulsions, vomiting, and internal bleeding. Both forms of death cause fear and the terror of being unable to return to their young and indiscriminately cause the same to non-target animals, such as other wildlife and even companion pets.

I am therefore respectfully requesting you discard such cruel plans and instead employ humane, non-lethal methods such as vegetation management and trash control, demanding residents securely contain trash, stop feeding wildlife, and never leave pets or their food unattended outdoors.

All human animals have an obligation to consider the acts to which they subject animals and to empathize with such actions. If you considered yourself in a similar situation, you would certainly object. As such, I urge you to implement the above humane methods instead and spare these coyotes the terror and pain of being brutally poisoned, trapped, and unable to return to their families. Until such a time, I will encourage my friends, family, and online social contacts to visit other destination areas on their vacations.

Please see more here: http://vodpod.com/watch/1077559-earthlings?u=ourcompass&c=ourcompass

I know your time is limited and I thank you for your attention to this important message.


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