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Action Alerts
12 States’ Attorneys General Join Unjust Side of Lobo-Trapping Litigation

May 11, 2013

Tell these Attoneys Generals—from Arizona, Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah—to back off from wolf litigation in New Mexico.

Sign online petition here:

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne,
Alaska Attorney General Michael C. Geraghty,
Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens,
Idaho Attorney General Lawrence G. Wasden,
Indiana Attorney General Gregory F. Zoeller,
Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt,
Louisiana Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell,
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood,
Montana Attorney General Timothy C. Fox,
Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt,
Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott,
Utah Attorney General John E. Swallow:

Talk about a dogpile! And this one has Mexican wolves at the bottom of the heap.

Trappers, several hunting groups, the livestock industry, and now,unbelievably, 12 States’ Attorneys General have jumped onto the wrong side of our legal fight to restrict or prohibit trapping in the range of the highly-endangered Mexican wolf in New Mexico.

It’s not right, and it’s simply unfair—neither to wolves nor to taxpayers.Tell these States’ Attorneys General to back down. Mexican wolves should be conserved—not harmed or killed in dangerous and cruel leg-hold traps.

Last year, WildEarth Guardians filed a lawsuit against New Mexico for killing and injuring wolves listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. New Mexico permits trapping in Mexican gray wolf habitat. Already these cruel, dangerous traps have harmed or killed over a dozen Mexican gray wolves. While Guardians lost our initial suit, we filed an appeal to the 10th Circuit Court in December 2012.

And that’s when 12 Attorneys General stepped in on the wrong side—in support of trapping that kills or harms Mexican wolves.

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