A powerful, emotive, beautiful read. This book gets you on a deep emotional
level, but it's not just pure sadness, but positive and hopeful, and
something else - a new way to see other species. It's a beautiful book, the
images are powerful, along with the words. This book is for everyone,
whether vegan, or carnivore. It just questions our relationship to other
creatures on this planet.
Something we all now need to do. Highly recommend that you buy it.
- G. H.
This is such a cool book. I think the artwork and words are so apt right
now. This is about animals and about the world we want to live in. So strong
and gets to you - so close to how I feel. Beautiful too and it seems like a
journey - where you start in sorrow and end with the future potential of
hopeful things. I bought direct from the Author as -I am NO fan of Amazon.
Sorry guys, but Amazon are pretty bad toward their workers. Just my view.
Buy the book though, whatever way you choose ;-) - it's worth it.
- Thandy Hyak
This debut poetry collection is a battle-cry for the voiceless animals
caught up in our intensive farming system. Blending eye-catching
illustrations with impassioned poetry, the book makes a strong case for
veganism and for better animal welfare at all levels. The collection is also
very up-to-date, featuring the COVID-19 pandemic as well as Pen Farthing.
Each poem in itself tells an important story and alone calls each of us to
question our own actions. Together, they build a powerful case for
transformation - and poetry like this could change the world for the better.
If you have an interest in animal welfare, veganism and the climate crisis,
then this book is for you!
- R.M. review on Amazon
A wonderful collection of poems and illustrations highly recommended. I
Animal, is an excellent insight into animal scientience, post
humanistic exploration, a voice for the voiceless, a dialogue to challenge
the commodification and consumption of the amazing creatures we share the
planet with. With beautiful illustrations which hone and reflect the
innocence of the beings explored and our connection and responsibility to
find new harmonious ways of living together in harmony. I highly recommend
this book!
- Review on Amazon
This is such a truly awesome book. It gets you in the heart, but it's not
pure sorrow, but hope, and something else, a new way to see animals. This
book had me in tears, but also smiling and hopeful. It's about a future of
something positive. The images are so beautiful, the poetry well crafted but
also with a sublime clarity. This writer has clearly witnessed and spent
time in close proximity to these experiences. This is a book for everyone,
whether you are vegan, vegetarian, animal rights activist or simply a slave
to your own dog (like me)...it just questions our relationship to other
creatures. Something we all should do. Buy it, you won't regret it.
- F. Pascal
Author J. H. Dickinson is also a researcher, creative writing facilitator, artist and therapist, advocating for the non-human animal and species rights, alongside human rights and the planet itself. Her work centres around explorative practice, posthumanist thinking, hybrid forms, and the power of creativity to generate engagement, discussion - and evoke 'open dialogue' (and not lines of division) around socially challenging subjects. She lives in the wilds of Northumberland and can be found amidst the hills, scribbling and sketching, often under the watchful and curious gaze of other animals.
Please visit Animal Rights Poetry by J.H. Dickinson
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