Book Recommendations, Reviews and Author Interviews from

Lek the Elephant Whisperer By Sylvia Medina

PUBLISHER: Green Kids Club, Inc.

elephant whisperer
Lek the Elephant Whisperer
Available at Amazon and Green Kids Bookclub


Green Kids Club's latest book, Lek, the Elephant Whisperer, brings Lek Chailert's remarkable life to young readers in an engaging children's story format. From her first encounter with a tiger as a young girl, Lek's story is full of resilience and determination. It shares how she overcame cultural challenges while advocating for Asian elephants, and her tenacity led her to start a movement highlighting the struggles of these animals and promoting their protection. Lek continues to educate her country's people about the importance of safeguarding Asian elephants and works to rescue them from labor and tourism exploitation.

Her non-profit, Save Elephant Foundation establishes sanctuaries for rescued elephants and addresses issues of elephant abuse in Thailand's industries. They have saved hundreds of elephants from neglect and relocated them to sanctuaries across various countries in Asia. Lek's impact extends to other animals, and she has appeared in documentaries and movies, receiving recognition and awards for her exceptional work. She received the Genesis Award from the American Humane Society for her National Geographic documentary "Vanishing Giants," and was recognized as one of Time Magazine's "Heroes from Asia." Lek is now a member of the Thai Parliament, where she continues her mission.

Through her storytelling, Medina aims to educate children about the real-world issues facing these vulnerable animals and the environmental heroes who work to protect them. She is the author of over 20 books and is a dedicated international animal activist. She collaborates closely with various nonprofit organizations and rescue missions. Green Kids Club donates a portion of its proceeds to support animal welfare, conservation, and family causes.


Through her storytelling, Sylvia Medina aims to educate children about the real-world issues facing these vulnerable animals and the environmental heroes who work to protect them. She is the author of over 20 books and is a dedicated international animal activist. She collaborates closely with various nonprofit organizations and rescue missions. Green Kids Club donates a portion of its proceeds to support animal welfare, conservation, and family causes.

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