The intent of this book and video review guide is to help us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.
"Protest Kitchen is a welcome challenge to the world's most ignored social
justice space--our own kitchens. Adams and Messina arm hungry advocates with
the knowledge needed to bring trips to the grocery store into line with
their values, all while providing practical mouth-watering cuisine to fuel
bodies and souls. This delicious page-turner exists in a category of its
own. Do yourself a favor and invite Protest Kitchen into yours!"
- Chris Sosa, Senior Editor,
"Protest Kitchen exposes the systemic abuses that result from standard
industrialized eating patterns, and provides actionable advice for those who
empathize with the exploited. This powerful book illustrates how we can
resist oppression and create a more just and compassionate world through
conscientious food choices."
- Gene Baur, President and cofounder of Farm Sanctuary, author of Living
the Farm Sanctuary Life
"In Protest Kitchen, Carol Adams and Virginia Messina make it very clear how
what happens in kitchens, backyards, and other places where food is prepared
and consumed has enormous impacts that go way beyond the walls of
slaughterhouses, restaurants, and homes. Choosing a plant-based diet is,
indeed, a significant form of protest and resistance against a violent,
destructive, and discriminatory status quo, and the authors clearly show how
personal choices can empower all individuals and make enormous differences
not only for the animals and people involved, but also for society as a
- Marc Bekoff, author of The Animals' Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and
Coexistence in the Human Age and Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do
What They Do
"Protest Kitchen comes at a time in which most vegan cookbooks choose to be
apolitical--choose not to ask their audience how either collusion with, or
resistance against, an oppressive system goes beyond mere taste and desires
and begins in the kitchen. Connecting powerful narratives with creative
recipes, this book is a much needed gem for those ready to protest [and
cook] against injustices such as speciesism, environmental racism, and
misogyny. The personal [palate] is political!"
- Dr. A. Breeze Harper, editor of Sistah Vegan
"Protest Kitchen's authors draw on their deep expertise in clinical
nutrition and social justice to provide a deeply insightful look at how our
food choices can unintentionally support racism, sexism, environmental
damage and other social injustices. Dozens of delicious recipes make it easy
to try meals with a lower injustice footprint - my favorites are the imPeach
Crumble and the Trumped-Up Cutlets. This wonderful, game-changing book is a
must-read for anyone interested in eating mindfully and avoiding collateral
damage to society's disenfranchised and marginalized."
David Robinson Simon, author of Meatonomics
"Protest Kitchen unpacks the sordid truths associated with our current food
system. With action steps and easy and delicious recipes, this book is much
more than a cookbook. It will open your mind to how all forms of activism
are connected to restructuring food culture."
- David Carter, food justice activist, former NFL player
"The personal is political--and delicious! Protest Kitchen shows you how to
change the kitchen at a time. When eating is a form of protest,
every meal becomes an act of resistance, an opportunity for healing,
hope--and Collard Greens with Black-Eyed Peas! Adams and Messina make it fun
to align your kitchen with your politics. Go vegan for a day; then a week;
then a lifetime."
- Jayne Loader, filmmaker, The Atomic Café
Carol J. Adams is the author of the pioneering Sexual Politics of Meat, which the New York Times called a "vegan bible" and is now in a 25th anniversary edition. The book was named one of Ms. Readers' 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time. Carol has also written pieces for sources as diverse as the New York Times, Washington Post, Ms. Magazine, and Christian Century.
Virginia Messina is a registered dietitian with a master's degree in public health nutrition from the University of Michigan. She is a longtime vegan who writes about vegetarian and vegan diets for the public and health professionals. Her articles have appeared in a variety of popular publications including Family Circle Magazine, Self Magazine, and the Encyclopedia Britannica.
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