Vegan Church
A Compassion Internet Christian Church Ministry From

Dr Christopher Carter      

Dr. Christopher Carter
Los Angeles, CA

My research, teaching, and activist interests are in Black, Womanist, and Environmental ethics, with a particular focus on race, food, and nonhuman animals. I am also the co-creator of Racial Resilience, an anti-racism and anti-bias program that utilizes the combined insights of contemplative practices and critical race theories.

My passion for all of my work evolves out of my family's struggle to loosen the chains of systematic racism – similar to bell hooks I believe that education is the practice of freedom. At its broadest level, I believe that learning should be transformational: it should transform how the student views herself, her neighbor, and her worldview.

I earned my PhD in Religion with an Ethics and Society concentration from Claremont School of Theology. My dissertation, Eating Oppression: Food, Faith, and Liberation was the foundation for my forthcoming book The Spirit of Soul Food.

I am currently an Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego. I am also on the board of directors of Farm Forward, an anti-factory farming non-profit. Lastly, I am a commissioned Elder within the United Methodist Church.

Dr Carter's newest book is The Spirit of Soul Food Race, Faith, and Food Justice Soul food has played a critical role in preserving Black history, community, and culinary genius. It is also a response to—and marker of—centuries of food injustice. Given the harm that our food production system inflicts upon Black people, what should soul food look like today? Christopher Carter’s answer to that question merges a history of Black American foodways with a Christian ethical response to food injustice. Carter reveals how racism and colonialism have long steered the development of US food policy. The very food we grow, distribute, and eat disproportionately harms Black people specifically and people of color among the global poor in general. Carter reflects on how people of color can eat in a way that reflects their cultural identities while remaining true to the principles of compassion, love, justice, and solidarity with the marginalized. Both a timely mediation and a call to action, The Spirit of Soul Food places today’s Black foodways at the crossroads of food justice and Christian practice.

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