British Columbia Will Ban Mink Farms
Clothing/Cosmetics Abuses Articles from

FROM AnimalJusticeCanada
November 2021

Until now, governments in Canada mostly ignored the animal suffering, widespread environmental damage, and public health risks caused by the fur farming industry.

farmed Minks
Photo by Jo-Anne McArthur, We Animals

Big news: British Columbia just announced a permanent phase out of mink farms! This landmark move will spare countless minks from suffering at the hands of the fur industry.

Fur farms are cruel to animals, but they also put public health at risk. COVID-19 outbreaks at three of BC's nine mink farms have infected both minks and workers. But soon, these dangerous and cruel farms will be illegal, with an immediate ban on breeding, and no live minks on farms by April 2023.

When mink fur farms became the source of COVID-19 outbreaks, Animal Justice and our supporters used this critical opportunity to join calls for an immediate ban on fur farms, to protect animals and the public.

COVID-19 outbreaks on mink farms can lead to dangerous mutations of the virus that could make vaccines less effective. Plus, the filthy and cramped conditions on fur farms could allow deadly new infectious diseases to grow and spread. This is why several countries and jurisdictions around the world have already banned fur farms.

Until now, governments in Canada mostly ignored the animal suffering, widespread environmental damage, and public health risks caused by the fur farming industry.

But thanks to you, BC has now become the first province in Canada to ban mink farms. We’ll make sure to keep up the pressure until fur farms across the country shut down for good.

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