Clothing/Cosmetics and Animal Abuse Articles from

Rescued from a fur farm

From FourPaws
November 2022

Until a few weeks ago Racoon Dogs Emi and Asami as well as the Foxes Skadi, Mala and Samara lived in tiny mesh cages.

fur farm rescues

Until a few weeks ago racoon dogs Emi and Asami as well as the foxes Skadi, Mala and Samara lived in tiny mesh cages. On a Polish fur farm, they, like millions of animals in the global fur industry, lead miserable lives, waiting to be killed. Thankfully, this fate could be prevented.

After being medically cared for, the foxes and racoon dogs were brought to our TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary – so they can spend the rest of their lives in a species-appropriate environment without worries.

While we’re incredibly happy for these individual fates, there are still too many animals kept in tiny cages under horrific conditions in fur farms across Europe. To keep this from happening, we need to close all fur farms in Europe! Help us and get involved with the European Citizens' Initiative for a #FurFreeEurope (EU Citizens only).

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