CVA Blog
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

Welcome to the weekly CVA blog! In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.

Factory Farms are Leading Destroyers of the Planet
May 18, 2015

Welcome to the weekly CVA blog! In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.

  1. 'Cowspiracy' Calls for Accountability
  2. This Week’s Famous Quote: Elie Wiesel, writer and Nobel laureate
  3. How California is Wasting Water
  4. This Week’s Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7
  5. The Animal Agriculture Industry Endangers Biodiversity
  6. This Week’s Video: 'Feces Lake' Discovered on Major US Factory Farm

1. 'Cowspiracy' Calls for Accountability

Read co-producer of the documentary Cowspiracy Kip Andersen’s article about the widespread denial of NGO’s in regards to the damage the animal agriculture industry causes to the environment. He rightly states, “To not address animal agriculture properly as one of (if not the) leading cause of nearly every major environmental form of destruction and degradation going on today is simply unacceptable.”

Please visit Why Are Environmentalists Ignoring the Damage Caused by Factory Farms? BONUS: Hilarious video of Dr. Klaper explaining why cow’s milk is perfect food for calves.

We simply cannot call ourselves good stewards of God’s Creation as long as we support the animal agriculture industry.

2. This Week’s Famous Quote

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.
—Elie Wiesel, writer and Nobel laureate

3. How California is Wasting Water

People tend to ignore the big elephant in the room. Sometimes because it’s uncomfortable to face the fact that our actions might be causing tremendous harm; or sometimes simply because we don’t realize the severity of our actions. This is the case of the water use in CA (and elsewhere in the U.S.) by the animal agriculture industry.

People want to help save water but might not want to change their diet or might not realize that their food choices are essential when saving water. This article explains clearly and with pictures where the water is going.

Please visit California's Water Disaster Is Confusing, So We Drew Pictures and share!

Hopefully, after learning that the animal agriculture industry wastes precious resources, people will be more willing to choose sustainability and compassion over devastation and cruelty.

4. This Week’s Bible Verse
(RSV) 2 Timothy 1:7

...for God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control.

As advocates of God’s Creation we need to gather strength to face the many difficulties that arise when we are spreading a message of compassion. Our strength comes from our faith, which is rooted in the Faith of Christ. A faith that calls us to expose victimization, and especially to be the voice of those who rely entirely on our capacity to show compassion.

God gives us the strength to follow Him/Her will with a heart of love. Let's be bold and courageous!

5. The Animal Agriculture Industry Endangers Biodiversity

Animal agriculture is an incredibly powerful vehicle of destruction. One of its many devastating effects is the endangerment of biodiversity; a serious problem that affects life on Earth in many negative ways. Read this excerpt from “Living the Farm Sanctuary Life”, Gene Baur’s latest book, which deals with this concerning problem.

Please visit How the Livestock Industry Endangers Biodiversity, and Why It Matters.

Christians want to be good stewards of God’s creation, but it’s not possible to serve this role well if we continue exploiting animals. This exploitation not only causes God’s animals so much suffering and kills them by the billions; but also affects the whole planet. When we cause misery to God’s animals, we cause misery to the whole creation.

6. This Week’s Video: 'Feces Lake' Discovered on Major US Factory Farm

Jakari Jackson and Anthony Gucciardi discuss the activist video captured via drone of a giant feces lake next to a factory pig farm and how the waste is disposed of.

Please visit 'Feces Lake' Discovered on Major US Factory Farm.

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