Welcome to the weekly CVA blog! In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.
Welcome to the weekly CVA blog! In it you will find famous quotes, news and commentaries.
1. Tips to Help Transition to a Plant-Based Diet
More people every day choose to eat more plant-based foods on a regular basis because of the tremendous benefits this has on one’s health; and many realize that transitioning to a plant-based diet might the most beneficial of all. Check out these tips that are sure to help those who want to adopt a plant-based diet.
2. This Week’s Famous Quote
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer (1749–1832)
3. Millennials Boost Veganism
According to Julieanna Hever who is a celebrity dietician, author, and culinary instructor, 1 in 10 millennials consider themselves vegan. And according to a survey conducted by 210 Analytics, more than 60 percent of millennials consume meat alternatives.
Please visit Vegan Fare Finds Traction Among Millennials.
Veganism is snowballing! This compassionate, sustainable and healthful movement is the only answer to most of the devastating problems we are facing. It’s great news that millennials seem to understand this and are embracing it.
4. This Week’s Bible Verse
(RSV) Mark 9:35
And he sat down and called the twelve; and he said to them, "If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all."
Jesus calls us to a life or service. Sometimes, in this world where thirst for power are overwhelming we should try to focus on showing love, compassion and mercy toward all of God's Creation, leaving aside our earthly desires in order to honor God.
5. The Risks of Not Going Meatless!
Donald Hensrud, M.D., expert on preventive medicine and nutrition at Mayo Clinic, writes an excellent article on the “Mayo Clinic Health Letter” about the many risks of eating animal products and the innumerable benefits of eating a plant-based diet. It’s a must-read for everyone!
Please visit The Risks of Not Going Meatless and share.
Being good stewards of our bodies calls us to eat nutritious foods that nourish us. Plant-based foods are perfect for our bodies! They are packed with nutrients, phytochemicals, minerals and vitamins; and most importantly these foods don’t require the abusing and killing of God’s farm animals.
6. This Week’s Video: Physicians May Be Missing Their Most Important Tool
This short video by Dr. Greger asks: “What might happen if nutritional excellence was taught in medical school?” The answer is groundbreaking.
Please visit Physicians May Be Missing Their Most Important Tool.