CVA Blog
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

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Just Eat Plants
October 19, 2015

  1. Fecal Matter in Every Sample of Beef
  2. This Week’s Famous Quote: Hippocrates
  3. Everyone Should Eat More Plants
  4. This Week’s Bible Verse: 1 Peter 3:8
  5. Horse Meat (and Other Illegal Stuff) in U.S. Ground Meat
  6. This Week’s Video - Optimal Diet: Just Give it To Me Straight, Doc

1. Fecal Matter in Every Sample of Beef

A new report by Consumer Reports indicates that E. coli and other bacteria common in fecal matter were found in every one of the 300 packages of ground beef that were tested. Moreover, 10 to 20 percent of samples from all over the country were also found to be contaminated with other bacteria that can cause illness.

Please visit Fecal matter found in every sample of ground beef, study finds.

2. This Week’s Famous Quote

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

3. Everyone Should Eat More Plants

Rich Rolls, a graduate of Standford University and Cornell Law School, author, world-renowned ultra-endurance athlete (first of two people to complete the five Ironman triathlons on five Hawaian islands in under a week), and wellness advocate explains why everyone should adopt a plant-based diet. In the U.S. 1 in 3 people dies of heart disease, 1 in 4 dies of cancer and 70% of the population is obese or overweight. These high rates would plummet if we replaced the standard American diet with a well-balanced plant-based one.

Please visit Why Everyone Should Eat More Plants.

4. This Week’s Bible Verse;
(RSV) 1 Peter 3:8

Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind.

We are called to love all of God's Creation showing compassion and love, thus reflecting God's essence in us. God also calls us to seek unity by acting as peacemakers in order to actively participate in the reconciliation of God's Creation.

5. Horse Meat (and Other Illegal Stuff) in U.S. Ground Meat

Not surprisingly, meat sold in the U.S. is not what the labels claim it to be. “… 20 per cent of ground meat sold in the US contains more than what is on the label…. For the ground meat study, 48 samples were analyzed and 10 were found to be mislabeled. Of those 10, nine had additional animal included and one sample was mislabeled completely. Horse meat, which is illegal to sell in the US, was detected in two of the samples.”

Please visit Are you eating HORSE? Researchers find 20 per cent of samples of 'ground meat' sold in the US contain the illegal foodstuff.

Our food system is broken. The animal agriculture industry doesn’t care about public health, the animals raised for food, or the environment. The fact that ground meat labels don’t represent what’s in the package or the fact that some of the ingredients in the ground meat are not even legal is, sadly, a reflection of the lack of integrity of the meat industry, and the lack of accountability they get from consumers.

6. This Week’s Video - Optimal Diet: Just Give it To Me Straight, Doc

Watch Dr. Greger explain why there is a reticence to provide the public with guidelines that will spare them from preventable disease and premature death.

Please visit Optimal Diet: Just Give it To Me Straight, Doc and share!

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