Weekly Newsletter - September 29, 2016
From Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

  1. Interested in an E-Book Edition of Guided by the Faith of Christ: Seeking to Stop Violence and Scapegoating by Stephen R. Kaufman, MD?
  2. Comment on “Why the US Is Destroying Its Education System”
  3. This Week’s Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman

1. Interested in an E-Book Edition of Guided by the Faith of Christ: Seeking to Stop Violence and Scapegoating by Stephen R. Kaufman, MD?

The second edition this book was published earlier this year. We wonder whether there would be interest in this book being available in e-reader (e.g., Kindle) format.

Please let us know your thoughts at [email protected].

Thank you.

2. Comment on “Why the US Is Destroying Its Education System”

In this remarkable essay, Chris Hedges argues that “No Child Left Behind” and grading teachers according to their students’ performance on standardized testing discourages teachers from encouraging creativity and critical thinking. Hedges argues creativity and critical thinking among workers and low-level managers are unwelcomed by the ruling class. I have shared this essay with many public school teachers, and they have all said that it was right on point.
In the essay, Hedges writes, “As Arendt pointed out, we must trust only those who have this self-awareness. This self-awareness comes only through consciousness. It comes with the ability to look at a crime being committed and say ‘I can’t.’ We must fear, Arendt warned, those whose moral system is built around the flimsy structure of blind obedience. We must fear those who cannot think. Unconscious civilizations become totalitarian wastelands.”
I think there is an analogous state of affairs when it comes to animal issues. People have been taught to blindly accept animal suffering and abuse as “necessary” and “natural.” They have found it convenient to abide by widely held but little examined beliefs that discourage mercy, such as the claim (very poorly supported by the Bible) that God made animals for human consumption. Moral blinders have been disastrous for nonhuman animals and, as I have argued previously, humans have suffered as well. What is the source of human arrogance and callousness? I will start to examine this question next week.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.

3. This Week’s Sermon from Rev. Frank and Mary Hoffman

Carelessness about Faith

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