1. Activist Feedback
Vegan Outreach, which does a great job of reaching college students with
literature and videos promoting a vegan diet, reports that it helped the CVA
with leafleting at 14 Winter Jam events and distributed 18,220 CVA booklets.
Here’s a report:
Columbia, MO Winter Jam
March 15, 2019
Booklets: 1,250
VO staff member Stacy Shepanek wrote:
All of my volunteers were Christian Vegans. And we did not get poured on—so
win-win there!
This was a tough crowd, but we had some great conversations with attendees
under the age of 16. One 12 year old had been involved in some youth farming
programs and didn't believe we should be raising and killing animals like
that. He simply stated, "I wouldn't want any of that done to me."
One little girl, about 6 years old came up and gave me a tiny bouquet of
clover flowers and said, "Thank you for giving us the booklets about the
animals." It was very sweet. I asked her if she loved animals, and she said,
"Yes." I then asked if she ate animals, and she said, "Sometimes." I think
we planted a lot of seeds.
I noticed a lot more people than usual actually reading the booklets.
My volunteers used the Primal Strips to engage people in conversations but
had a tough time getting sign-ups.
Upcoming Outreach Opportunities
04/18/2019 SC, Greenville
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
04/18/2019 MO, Kansas City
Chris Tomlin HOLY ROAR Tour
04/18/2019 IL, Hoffman Estates
Michael W Smith & Newsboys: Surrounded & United
04/19/2019 NC, Raleigh
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
04/19/2019 TN, Nashville
Chris Tomlin Good Friday Nashville
04/19/2019 TX, Austin
Good Friday Austin – For King & Country
04/19/2019 TN, Nashville
Chris Tomlin / Good Friday Nashville
04/25/2019 MI, Grand Rapids
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
04/25/2019 TX, Austin
Hillsong United
04/26/2019 OH, Cincinnati
Mercy Me Imagine Nation Tour
04/27/2019 TX, Houston
Hillsong United
04/27/2019 MO, St. Charles
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
04/28/2019 VA, Richmond
Outcry Revival Nights Tour 2019
04/29-30/19 TX, Dallas
Hillsong United
05/02/2019 AL, Birmingham
Hillsong United
05/02/2019 TX, Cedar Park
Only Jesus Tour ft. Casting Crowns…
05/02/2019 IN, Evansville
Amy Grant
05/03/2019 GA, Atlanta
Weekend to Remember
05/03/2019 GA, Atlanta
Hillsong United
05/04/2019 TN, Nashville
Hillsong United
05/04/2019 FL, Orlando
Mercy Me Imagine Nation Tour
05/04/2019 TX, Austin
Mac Powell and the Family Reunion
05/05/2019 FL, Tampa
Mercy Me Imagine Nation Tour
05/06/2019 SC, Greenville
Hillsong United
05/07/2019 FL, Orlando
Hillsong United
05/09/2019 FL, Miami
Hillsong United
05/09/2019 NY, NYC
Steven Curtis Chapman SCC Solo
05/10/2019 MA, Boston
Steven Curtis Chapman SCC Solo
05/11/2019 PA, Philadelphia
Steven Curtis Chapman SCC Solo
05/17-18/19 NY, Albany
Joyce Meyer & Kari Jobe
05/30/2019 WA, Seattle
Hillsong United
06/01/2019 OR, Portland
Hillsong United
06/05/2019 NV, Las Vegas
Hillsong United
06/07/2019 CA, San Diego
Hillsong United
06/7-8/2019 MI, Grand Rapids
Joyce Meyer
06/08/2019 AZ, Phoenix
Hillsong United
06/11/2019 CA, Los Angeles
Hillsong United
06/20-22/19 OH, Cincinnati
Spiritsong Festival
06/22/2019 CO, Denver
Hillsong United
06/24/2019 IL, Chicago
Hillsong United
06/25/2019 MI, Grand Rapids
Hillsong United
06/26/2019 Mi, Detroit
Hillsong United
06/29/2019 DC, Washington
Hillsong United
07/01/2019 MA, Boston
Hillsong United
07/02/2019 NY, New York
Hillsong United
08/23-24/19 OH, Columbus
Joyce Meyer
09/20-21/19 CA, Anaheim
Women’s Conference
09/26/2019 WA, Spokane
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
09/27/2019 OR, Portland
Casting Crowns Only Jesus Tour
10/25-26/19 SC, Charleston
Women’s Conference
11/08-09/19 PA, Hershey
Joyce Meyer
Tabling Opportunities
04/28/2019 CA, San Diego
San Diego Earth Fair
04/28/2019 MI, Novi
Michigan VegFest 2019
05/04/2019 CA, Santa Clarita
SCV Veg Fest
05/05/2019 CA, Encino
Los Angeles VegFest
05-18-19/19 NY, New York
NYC Vegetarian Food Festival
05/18/2019 Oh, Cincinnati
Cincy VegFest 2019
05/18/2019 OH, Cleveland
2019 Cleveland VegFest
06/07-9/19 MO, Kansas City
VegFest KC 2019
06/08/2019 PA, Philadelphia
06/09/2019 NC, Asheville
07/20/2019 CT, Hamden
5th Annual Compassionfest
07/27-28/19 CO, Denver
VegFest Colorado
07/27/2019 WA, Spokane
Spokane VegFest
08/10-11/19 IL, Lisle
Veggie Fest 2019
08/15-25/19 NY, Camp Walden
Woodstock Fruit Festival
09/08/2019 NY, Albany
Albany Vegfest
09/22/2019 MI, Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids Veg Fest
11/09/2019 GA, Duluth
Atlanta Veg Fest 2019
11/10/2019 AZ, Tucson
VegOut! Tucson Vegan Food Festival 2019
2. Essay: Liberals and Conservatives
In his book The Happiness Project, Ron Leifer asserts that liberals and
conservatives differ about the source of suffering. Liberals, he said, think
that humans are basically good. We can have justice and peace, but we are
impeded from doing so by corrupt, self-serving institutions. They hold that
most institutions were created to generate or preserve the privilege of
those with power, such as “aristocrats” over “peasants,” men over women, and
one ethnic group over another. We must reform or replace these institutions
and rely more on democratic structures that reflect the will of the
Conservatives, in contrast, hold that humans are inherently unwise, selfish,
and sinful. They regard institutions as essential to maintain order.
Conservatives hold that institutions were founded by wise people and/or God,
and it is only at our peril that we violate the social and political norms
that institutions established and continue to preserve.
I don’t think either view is entirely correct. The liberal Enlightenment
dream in human perfectibility is grounded in the conviction that only a lack
of understanding prevents contemporary society from becoming utopian.
Science, steadily eroding ignorance, gives us hope. However, this dream was
largely debunked by Nazism, which flourished in what was then the most
educated country in the world. It seems to me that what people believe and
do are heavily influenced by emotions, which themselves are driven by a wide
range of often irrational hopes and fears.
Conservatives’ faith in institutions has been dealt severe blows by scandals
that have exposed the institutions’ commitments to their own interests over
those of society-at-large. For example, the Catholic Church covered up and
thereby enabled widespread sexual abuse of children by priests. Many leading
Protestant preachers have been exposed as unscrupulous or hypocritical, such
as Jim Bakker. The documentary Marjoe is about a non-believer who preached
at revival meetings solely to earn a living.
Liberals and conservatives are also right about some things. I will consider
this next week.
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
3. All-Creatures.Org Ministry