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With busy schedules, personal agendas and the importance we place on “getting things done” we can become very neglectful of prayer. I wonder if we realize the power and authority we have in prayer as it drives the spiritual arena. If we did we would nurture our prayer life more than we do. It is no mystery that prayer is our communication with God.
In this world of chaos and stress prayer is our lifeline to sanity and hope and peace. It strengthens us, heals us, Gives us wisdom in making decisions, Guides our relationships and directs our steps. Prayer gives us intimate fellowship with God.
In prayer we have the privilege of talking to a mighty all powerful God. In prayer we are the warriors that fight demons or we are the compassionate healers in the name of Jesus and bring restoration to a hurting soul. Prayer feeds our spirit; especially when we speak in tongues and it keeps us steady and balanced.
Prayer is our direct communication to God.
What does it mean to pray without ceasing? Can one continually pray all day, all night? When would we sleep? When would we eat, work, play?
So those of us who just want to be obedient are in a dilemma. This is virtually impossible. Or is it? What does God mean?
In a perfect world this is a goal easily met………or is it?…Did Adam and Eve pray without ceasing? If they had how did they get into such trouble?
I believe that prayer is more of an attitude of the heart. It is more of a pursuit of God. It is one of the ways we connect with our Heavenly Father. He loves to talk with us and loves for us to interact with Him by sharing what is on our heart and in our minds. There have been times when, as I was watching the magnificent designs of the sky as the sun went down I would blurt out to God…”look at that”! “You did that”! In one moment I was in prayer sharing what I was feeling and my gratitude for His creation. It’s so easy.
So my challenge to you is….are you taking every opportunity to pray: to express and share and talk to a listening God?
This is a prayer: Father God thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for wanting to have sweet fellowship and communication with us.
Easy huh………………
Go on to comments: By Maynard S. Clark - 20 Jan 2012
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