Abortion and Animals Rights: The Connection
By Jean Marc - 12 May 2013
I think there is a little problem here in your sermon : "that they have
become vegan, and thus no longer contributing to the corruption of this
Do you think really vegan no longer contribute to corruption of this world ?
I think they really do it, particularly each time they protect animals and
not humans. When I write this to Veg-Christian discussion list, where there
is many vegans :
testimony :
‘I stared and stared at my son’: mom screamed for abortion workers to call
911 after baby born alive'
Gosnell-like abortion practices are business as usual in New Mexico
There is no answer of concern about this, but only animals, animals and
animals again ! No compassion for humans and so few articles about it in
your website; do you think Jesus like this, that prolifers and vegans don't
understand each other? I live in France : it is the same thing : vegans
don't understand prolifers and prolifers don't understand vegans : this
could be a very good subject for a sermon, isn't it ?