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Our Action Alerts


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

Our Action Alerts
By Laurel - 15 Nov 2012

In Reference to: Urge Council to Stop Bullying Man and Sheep

Dear Frank and Mary

My computer keyboard has certainly been tapping since I found your site and contacted you about Bill and Lou (10th Nov). I have just completed a letter in response to another of your action alerts in defense of Mr. Ho and Baa in Australia.  There is a lot of justifiable criticism of the Internet but it has its good side and it’s kind of wonderful that I can sit by the seaside in England, access your site and send out a helping hand to some one in Australia.  You are dong a great job.  I shall regularly check your info pages.

With regard to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle I wonder if your readers have heard of Jeffrey Masons book ‘The Pig who sang to the Moon’ it makes interesting reading.

With love and best wishes


Here is a copy of the email to Australia:

Dear Mayor and Councillors of Dandenong

I am writing to you on behalf of Mr Ho to ask you to let him keep his beloved pet sheep Baa in his backyard.  It is clear that she is a much-loved pet who has been with Mr Ho virtually all her life and it will cause both of them great distress to be parted. It is inappropriate to regard her as livestock.

I also note that despite the council citing complaints from Mr Ho’s neighbours as a reason for demanding her removal, he seems to have their goodwill, one resident setting up a petition on his behalf and his immediate neighbours are speaking out in support of him and his pet.  They describe her as no trouble and sympathize that they know what it is “like to love an animal ... they need us and we need them." 

Please don’t victimise this kind, gentle man or force him to bear such an enormous burden of debt for merely loving something.  He has lived with his companion animal for over a decade, so presumably she cannot have been that much of a problem. Mr Ho appears to be a good citizen, neighbour and, more important, a compassionate man.  Please see him as an asset to your community and leave him in peace with those he loves.