All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Marsha - 16 Mar 2007
Blessings to you in Jesus' Name!
I absolutely love the All Creatures website!! I have been searching for a Jewish/Christian based website that supports animals rights and welfare, which teaches the truths everyone needs to know regarding animals, eating of meats, etc..
I really don't care much for the organizations and websites that are more directed towards the wrong way in believing that humans and animals are equal.
The article on the ACLU, one of the organizations that are totally anti-God and anti-anything moral and good, was very interesting. (However, my favorite law organization is the ACLJ whose founder is Jay Sekulow, a Jewish lawyer who stands for God, His nature, His Word, and His laws.)
One reason for e-mailing you is to thank you for the website! I have recently been convicted by the Lord about eating meat, dairy products, etc., but this started several years ago before I ever knew the truths regarding meat, etc.. One day I decided to look up something about milk and discovered how nasty cow's milk really is! That later led to the discovery of how dairy cows keep their milk production, and how they and their offspring are treated in the milking factories.
Eventually, and just the other day, I went to another website (Peta) that fully exposed the cruelty of animals in the slaughter houses...cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, etc.. My grandchildren and I saw the videos...nothing hidden. It made us sick and we wanted to cry for the poor creatures. Oh, my goodness!!! I will never eat meat and dairy products, again.
Hopefully, my daughter and son-in-law will listen to their children and respect their desires not to eat meat and dairy products either. I pray the Lord will convict and expose the same truths to them as well, and that they will be obedient to following His Word in this.
If there is any information you can send to me through snail-mail, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks you and God bless you wonderfully as you continue in His work and ministry for the sake of All God's Creatures!!!
In Jesus,