All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 30 May 2007
Dear Patrick:
Thanks for the reply. We're very close to having the same goals, but our approach is different, mainly, we believe, because of the people we are trying to reach.
The primary group of people we are trying to reach are already in the church, with all its hardness of heart, and we are trying to find ways to move them toward compassionate living for the whole of God's creation. In addition, we want to stop their ridicule of sensitive people who are vegetarian/vegan, for animal rights, and believe that animals have souls and spirits and also go to heaven.
Another, but smaller group of people we are trying to reach are the sensitive believers mentioned above who have become alienated from the church and Christianity because of the hardness they have found, and help them not lose their faith.
The last group of people we are trying to reach are animal rightists who are totally turned off on God and Christianity in particular, because of the hardness they have encountered, and show them that what they have encountered is hijacked Christianity and not how Jesus taught us to live.
How would you approach these people differently than we are?
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary