All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Carolina - 25 Oct 2007
Dear Frank and Mary Hoffman:
I not in the animal business. I work as an engineer for the toy industry. I do love animals and have all compassion towards them.
They can't tell us how much they suffer but they do and we have power to protect them. I have always been concerned about the cruel way we as humans dominate all species. We have the capacity to do anything we want, with our extreme intelligence and skills.
Animals, though, are our partners in this world and should not be treated as another tool for us to abuse. I believe there got to be an impact strategy that can get the buy in and move forward, so we can actually change minds and most importantly behaviors... I don't know if religion plays an important roll on touching hearts... as we know, people have killed each other in the name of God.
Anyway, there is a lot to debate and a huge opportunity to step up and talk for those ones that feel and suffer an incredible pain in silence. I will be happy to support and contribute to any institution/association that have good innovative ideas to help this world improve.