All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Michael - 20 Oct 2009
Thank you for your Web site.
I was never much of a meat eater (I don't like the mess nor the expense), and at many times during my life I have been vegan. Despite keeping calories low, I have still gained weight because I exercise little. I also bought a lot of prepared foods. At 46 years old, I have now learned to cook for myself and lentils are the focus of my diet. Your Web site has more useful lentil recipes than I have ever seen!
I was told I had to eat meat to lose weight -- it did nothing for me and I felt greasy. Your Web site has given me the focus to abandon meat altogether, which in my case will not even be a challenge because I don't enjoy meat. Also, I have thrown in the towel and will start walking again. I anticipate my weight will finally go down and my eating habits will have greater variety.
Many thanks, and when I am back on my feet financially, I will contribute to your site. By the way, lentils are so inexpensive and unlike beans they can be cooked with little pre-preparation -- again, your lentil recipes are amazing in their variety.