All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Rozelle - 25 Mar 2011

Just wanted you to know that I have spent much time going through your web-site. Most of what I have read-looked at has broken my heart.

I feed 3 stray cats. One of them was so scared of people that he would run when I set the food and water out and then wait for me to get back in the house. Almost 6 months later he started waiting on the porch for me to come home from work. Then 6 months later he let me pet him for the first time. I will never forget the feeling. He trusted me.

Three years later he waits for me to feed him in the morning and is there when I come home from work. Sometimes he disappears and I won’t see him for days but he always comes back. He won’t come in the house. He will sit next to me on the outside steps. I named him Skittles.

Toby and his brother Buster were dumped off about a year ago. They come in the house and visit our dog, eat and go back outside. I just wish that people would put themselves in the animals place when they abuse or abandon an animal. And people wonder why I like animals more than people. Go figure.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
