All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Gary 11 Sep 2011
Doris suggested I friend you or on facebook.
Being very recently accused of being an atheist by a 'friend'?, I'm wary of friending a 'preacher'. I had posted 4 questions on why God would have us eat animals that make us sick, destroy the earth, etc... copied from a friend's profile... maybe one of yours...
Deb read the posts, said You've crossed the line and not worthy to be my friend in fb. I'm deleting you. Atheist..
Actually that word is beginning to feel better than 'Christian'... I don't adhere to her church's interpretation of the Bible and continue to gorge on dead animals... makes me a heathen???? Ok, yes it bothers me... I'll get over it.. but there is more to complicate the thing. She has a Honda we left for her to sell for us when we moved to Albuquerque.... Now she gonna drop it in the street & mail the keys & paperwork.... though I asked to leave it with the mechanic 2 blocks from her drop place stated.
Anyway, been too weird here over this....