All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Kim 20 Oct 2011
I can tell this took a lot of time to put together. I wish more people could find this site, for it would give comfort during their grieving times. May God bless you for all your work and help that you give to others. Thank you..... This really helped me, after the tears dried.
I knew in my heart that my babies where in heaven based on my faith and love for Christ. But there was this black cloud from when I was a child haunting me. It was a Sunday night at Church and from what I remember the Pastor was preaching about pets and animals not going to heaven because they have no souls.
As I grew older, I just could not believe this. My God that I believe in, is a loving God. He made all these wonderful animals, why would He not want them in Heaven.
I was blessed with Lefty, Nikki, Jacob and Sasha as a gift from God. They taught me so much about love and who I wanted to be. I have always said they where my precious gift from God. They where on loan to me for a while, and I know why God wanted them back, he is so lucky to have them as I did.
I do know that one day we will all be together in his house when I go home.
Again, Thank you. And I hope you reach more people.