All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Jacquie Bockius - 24 Oct 2011
I have been reading through your website for several days now and I want to thank you for ‘being there’ when I needed you!
I am not yet a full fledged vegetarian but my heart is leading me there. I am very concerned with the cruelty humans inflict on all animals, food animals and pets, wildlife and domestics. We humans are so cruel! Even so called Christians and religious people think animals are here on earth for our ‘use’.
I googled ‘kindness to animals’ when I found your website, because I am very disturbed by the horrors I see and hear about in my quest to help ease the suffering of our animal friends.
Thank you for ‘being there’ when I need you, as I said before; I am ready to commit myself to vegan life forever more.
–Jacquie Bockius