All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Benjamin - 2 Nov 2011
Dear Frank and Mary Hoffman,
Greetings from Kenya again. I hope this email finds you all well in the lord. I'm fine and busy with studies. I'm not sure if I told you before, I'm a high school student and I have two more years to finish high school (we call secondary school here).
I just want to thank you very much for every newsletter you sent to me. My conscience with animal product is now negative and I feel friendly to animals, unlike before when my favorite foods were meats, blood and milk. This is the common diet among my community, the Maasai.
Since I learned this truth from you, I have been working hard during my free time (mostly week ends to prepares a garden to plant various fruits and vegetables, e.g.: bananas, mangoes, potatoes, corns, beans and cabbage etc to substitute my former diet. I found that is not easy-especially to a student like me.
My father already has given me a plenty of land. I'm now facing various changes to fence, plough and buy seeds. I'm not sure how long all these will take but it is my prayer eventually reaches my goal.
I need your prayer, thanks a lot,