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All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Karolin - 27 Oct 2012

Maybe small, tiny glimpses here and there.....
As mentioned before, I work at a hospital. Today I have to sit with a patient who has taken an overdose of medication. Basically I make sure that she is not trying to kill herself while hospitalized.
Anyhow, she is sleeping so I have lots of time to browse your website :)
While doing so I came across one of your articles (with photo) about the bull race in Spain and how the church does nothing about it. Reading that, along with several other related articles, coupled with two of your sermons I read last night  (what does a christian look like & producing an abundant crop), I feel that I would like to help asking the church "why do you do nothing about this". 
I would like to start by writing a letter to Bishop Morlino of Madison, WI. I know him from my previous job and I am hoping that he would take a few minutes to read my letter.
The problem is that I have so much running through my mind that I am not sure how to start and what to say first. I would like it to be catching enough, so that he will read all of it. My wish would be to follow up in person to hear his answers to my questions. There is so much cruelty though that I am confused about where to begin. I am also afraid that if I write too subtle, he then won't see the truth...but if I write too strong, he then will ignore it.
To be honest, I am not a big fan of the church, but the church is powerful and followers listen! 
I honestly have to say that I have listened more to YOU than to any pastor and/or church in my whole life. That is a compliment!  It is just so that I feel you are sincere with your word. I never paid attention to the bible in school but I am now learning every day through your sermons and your advise. I may not know who all of the characters are in the bible (yet) but I am sure learning a lot about God and myself.
Well, I guess I will just have to start writing this letter.