All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Karolin - 12 Nov 2012
Dear Frank and Mary,
Just a small update. I have not heard anything with regard to my holiday
cards yet. Maybe they just received them and have not gotten time to get
back to me.
I am going to buy some more cards and send them within the next few days. I
think I just keep doing this until Christmas. I never had any idea how many
churches there are.
I did run into a patient's pastor here at the hospital and took the
opportunity to ask him why the church does not recognize animals, especially
farm animals. He smiled and said "oh boy, such a small subject :) ....) He
did not really mean that the subject was "small", he meant the opposite.
He said that for him it would be impossible to change his diet because he
would not know what to cook. On the contrary he told me that part of the
church does the Hallelujah Acres diet. I think I will follow up with him
with my holiday card & letter.
I will keep you posted.
I hope all is well!