All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Karolin - 13 Nov 2012
Good morning,
It puzzles me to think that most people have solely selfish motives. They
basically have no problem saying "oh, I don't do it for the animals, I don't
care about that. I do it for my health" I have heard that
numerous times from people.
This pastor told me the story of a woman in his congregation who had a very
bad cancer. He said that the doctors did not think that they could cure it.
She completely changed her diet to this HAcres diet, prepared everything all
natural, from scratch.
He said that it is amazing what food and nutrition can do and that she is
now cancer free, due to "this special diet"
I am not sure why I replied the way I did but I said to him "well, maybe it
was not the actual diet that cured her, maybe it was God saying: Thank You"
He said "Mmmmm, maybe.
I am sure I will get some responses, I'll just keep going until then....
Have a good day.