All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Karolin - 1 Dec 2012
Hi Frank and Mary,
I hope you are both well.
Still no answers to my letters so I have decided to send a follow-up e-mail
to them (please see below).
The "wolf in sheep's clothes" idea I got from your last sermon, however I
said clothes instead of skin by accident.
Thanks for all of your help and for keeping me on the right track!
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 15:09:24 -0600
Dear Pastor,
This is just a short note to make sure that you have received my letter,
which I e-mailed to you on November 19th.
If you did, I hope that you took a few minutes to read it and take it to
You just can't deny the horrible conditions in which animals are raised and
slaughtered for human consumption, research, etc. As I mentioned in my
letter, you as a Pastor have the power to teach people the truth. And only
through the truth these animals can be saved.
If somebody does not teach the truth, it makes him or her merely a wolf in
sheep's clothes. However, if you are teaching the truth, you are walking in
the true presence of God.
I hope you will find the time to contact me. I would truly appreciate the
opportunity to share a few ideas with you on this subject.
Thanks and have a great weekend.