All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Ellie - 19 Dec 2012
Dear Frank,
Thanks for that lovely email response. Yes we are all on a journey. You
have helped me to know that it was The Lord all along telling me that
animals are loved by Him and that He had not wanted us to kill to eat.
I had been vegan since 1989 after reading' Why You Don't Need Meat' by Peter Cox where he talked of animal suffering in one section and human cancers caused by meat, in the second section. However, I have recently lapsed to vegetarian and even ate some fish at times when eating out but my resolve is back now since reading your material yesterday.
I don't know how I could be involved but I agree with your mission statements and I am willing should the need arise. I did link to you on my Facebook page.
Do you issue any written literature to distribute?
Yes please can I receive your newsletter?