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All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site


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All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Col Sky - 18 Feb 2013

Dear Frank...

Let me deal with this devil first and get it out of the picture for good, where it belongs... the devil, is only concerned with those that want to profit from the divisions of the higher power's whole...  so stolen parts can be sold off or profited from...

But back on track with the positive message from the creator.... who many call God...

When the sacred place  ...emits its message, through its perennial light, so the miracle of natural existence can be realized in holy communion...
...and light being also an anagram for (living in goodness, harmony, truth.)   .... and understanding this to be the natural way to live in partnership with God....

The creator/higher power, speaks to all creation, as a whole, ....not to bits broken off by hierarchies of self importance....

For the creators' message is that all cells and atoms, animals, plants and the whole biosphere is a sacred  world garden....within the created whole... one sees directly the creators' works... and within each is a compass to give us direction to the creators heart... this is in the form of our divine consciousness'.

Life is miracle, a sacred place, where each living thing has a place to live and a niche to fill....

So if the message is one of love for all... it is the sign of a higher power...

If the message is directed to only part of the whole... there it lays insincere in its incompleteness...   the good parent has unconditional love for all... this is the true sign of the higher power...

The higher power is creator of a sacred universe, in which all atoms fit perfectly, like as in a jigsaw... and work perfectly...

But this talk gets us nowhere.. the world has learned how to divide us into production units... or failing this into the waste bins below the  poverty lines...

The scenario on earth is quite grim outside of the pockets of the affluent...  it is a losing battle... nature is being weakened by the so-called superior man and his self image of godliness...


This is obviously no more than my personal opinion. at least i have one.

Questions for you Frank.  How do you know the old scrolls that were found and became the Bible, were truly the words of God? all of them? everything true? How can you trust the old writers to be 100% accurate?  what proof is there that every word is godly?

Thank you.
