All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Kim - 17 Mar 2013
Dear Frank,
I'm exhausted right now, because I feel human are so wrong in the way
they mistreat animals badly. I'm willing to do anything I can for the
animals, and I've been doing that almost all my life.
Through what I've done, I've received not much support from people around
me, for they said that I care about animals while I don't really care for
those living around me. For example, I usually tell them about how bad
we treat animals, and I told them not to buy this product or not to eat
meat, etc... Although I talked to them nicely but I think I
aggravated them for repeat it again and again.
I tried not to talk with them about it, but I feel morally and humanely
obligated to spread the words around. On the other side, I know I
should not say it because they don't want to hear it. They say they
don't jump into my life so do not jump into their life. And plus, they
say animals are animals. And the most crucial reason is they are
addicted to animals products.
I know I'm not perfect in treating people, but I'm not that bad either.
I feel obligated in defend for animals more than for human because animals
can't speak for themselves at all. My energy, strength, finance....
are limit. If human don't abuse animals then I have more time and
everything to do for human. If humans are abusing same way they are
doing it to animals, I'd have the same feeling and try to help human too.
Why human complaints about me caring more for animals but they don't look at
what they put onto animals.
I feel so sad that they don't have feeling for animals. Animals can
feel pain as we do. Animals are intelligent too. I have
experiences with animals so I know that.
I can't understand how Catholic clergy is willing to support exploiting
I feel lonely in this world.