All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Karolin - 8 Jul 2013
Good morning Frank and Mary,
It is funny, I meet more ministers and pastors here in this hospital than I
was able to while I was making the effort with my letter. Maybe they listen
because they are sick and can't escape the hospital bed?
Yesterday I met a children's minister who also used to be a security officer
at a large slaughter house/packaging plant. She told me about the horrible
things and abuses that she witnessed. One story she will never forget was a
pregnant cow that was just to go through slaughter when all of a sudden she
gave birth. Well, you know how the story ends.
She said that she was not able to eat beef for the longest time after that
but eventually she went back to eating it.
She showed great compassion while we were talking and I truly hope that she
will reconsider her diet.
We had a wonderful conversation and she encouraged me to go on with my path
because she believes that this is what God wants me to do.
She also agreed that the churches are evil and corrupt.
So all in all I had a good day at work but I wish I could figure out a way
to stop this misery. What if I am supposed to do something but I don't know
what it is? What if it does not come to me?
Have a great day.