Good morning Frank and Mary,
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
I have a couple of questions with regard to the bible. I was reading parts
of Mathew and I really don't understand the reasoning for this:
There were 3 servants and their masters had to go away. The master of the
first servant gave the servant 5 bags of gold to look after. The master of
the second servant gave him 2 bags of gold to look after and the master of
the third servant gave the servant 1 bag of gold to look after.
Upon the return of the masters, the first two servants doubled their
master's gold by investing it. However the third servant buried the 1 bag of
gold in the ground and therefore had no additional earnings.
If I understood this correctly and I might not, God did not like that.
But why? Isn't it a good thing to return with the 1 bag of gold he has been
trusted with? Without the greed to make more out of it? Wasn't it enough to
be honest and not to steel it?
Also, I was listening to a pastor talking on the radio this morning about
John. About that one day there will be no more death, pain, etc.. The pastor
said that this will be for everyone and that Jesus died on the cross to
forgive us our sins. However, sometimes I read in the bible that we also
must do our part and if we don't, God will not know us when we knock on the
door of heaven.
I am so confused about this. Which one is it?
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Oct 2013
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