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By Ligia - 8 Nov 2013

Hello Frank and Mary,

I hope you are doing well.

Besides saying HI, I want to let you know that yesterday my former parish held a meeting to discuss protection of animals in PA and what can we do to help.

The Pastor attended and I was very glad to see him interested in what the speaker had to say. Although it was more focused in contacting our representatives through social media, e-mails, tweeter, etc. to make the difference, the speaker talked about being vocal about asking for vegetarian options; also he spoke briefly about Meatless Mondays.

I saw they handed pamphlets with information about gestation crates and "cage free" chickens.

I was wondering if all the printings with your sermons and Father's Mann I have left in their mail box have "planted the seed" in his mind . Have a nice weekend.


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